Deadlines for applying for the competitive examinations of the Canary Islands Health Service

We remind our readers that the deadline for submitting applications to participate in the selective processes for employment positions in the Canary Islands Health Service is from 25/09/2023 to 24/10/2023.
Below you will find a list of available positions to apply for these competitions.
Selective processes for stabilisation open:
The stabilisation processes are intended for staff of the Canary Health Service.
Group A/A1 Management and Services:
- Technical Group of the Administrative Function
- Senior Biologist
- Senior Legal Technician
- Senior Economic Technician
- Senior Technician-ADE
- Technician with a degree in Computer Science
- Senior Engineer
- Telecommunications Engineer
- Pedagogical Technician
- Psychological Technician
- Technician
Other Professional Groupings
- Caretaker
- Laundress
- Labourer
- Cleaner
- Click
- Ironer
Selective processes ordinaries open:
Ordinary proceedings are intended for all persons.
Group A/A1 Management and Services:
- Technical Group of the Administrative Function
- Technician with a degree in Computer Science
Other Professional Groupings:
- Caretaker
- Launderer
- Click
How to access the selective process for the competitive examinations of the Canary Islands health service?
If you wish to access the procedure to participate in the selective process of this call for applications, you only have to do the following click here and you will be able to submit your application through the official website of the government of the canary islands.